Praising her for her committment to keeping her community safe and peaceful, President Donald J Trump, today pardoned Cruella De Vil and ordered her immediate release from prison
De Vil was serving time for multiple counts of illegal dog-catching, having snatched up more than a hundred canines on nothing more than suspicion of being strays. Unable to prove their legal status, due to an inability to speak English, the dogs were imprisoned, under inhumane conditions, forced to do manual labor, and continually threatened with deportation to doggy heaven.
Though a successful prosecution was brought against Miss De Vil and much of the public consider her actions to be reprehensible, President Trump disagrees with the findings. He believes, he said in a brief statement before the official signing of the pardon, that her activities were not only justified, but noble.
“These mongrels and half breeds were just running through the streets,” the President said, “and law enforcement was doing nothing. Nothing! These mutts…and I’m sure many of them are fine and friendly… but many are not. Many could be scavengers with rabies threatening to infect our communities and eating the scraps of food that could otherwise be given to a homeless person or a recipient of food stamps. Miss De Vil recognized the danger, ignored by so many in the fake media, and did something about it. I respect people who get things done and am thinking about trying it myself.”
Miss De Vil, who was a fashion designer of some note before her legal troubles began, was a generous donor to the Trump campaign in 2016. Melania Trump was, on many occasions, seen wearing spotted furs, hand designed by Cruella Corp. Despite this, the President and his surrogates deny any conflict of interest.
The pardon has sparked a great deal of outrage on the left, as might be suspected, but has strong support among the Presidents base. The pardon has also polled well among cat lovers and the, increasingly politically active, squirrel community.
The President is expected to follow this pardon with a slew of others nearly as controversial. Chief among these is the Joker, who the President feels is misunderstood, and Darth Vader, who the President claims was only doing his duty in defending the government against Rebel terrorists.
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