Flynn Seeking Immunity From Measles

In a correction, issued today, coucil for former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn clarified the General’s, highly publicized, immunity request. Flynn was, according to council, simply seeking preventative medical treatment against common diseases, most specifically, measles.

Robert Kelner, attorney for Flynn, explained “The General’s comments have been taken out of context  to suggest that he was, in some way, violating the law and pursuing protection. This could not be further from the truth.  The simple fact is that my client has just been informed by his physician that he requires an MMR booster and, since his resignation, he has lost access to his, taxpayer funded, medical insurance program and he is, therefore, seeking assistance in obtaining this.”

The MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella, is generally administered in childhood.  When asked why Flynn would need such treatment at this stage of his life, Kelner responded. “It is merely a precautionary measure.  As you may know, cases of measles have been on the rise in Russia and, owing to my client’s frequent and close associations with so many Russian citizens,  his physician felt it best to take a better safe than sorry approach.  The General is currently without insurance and as these health risks were undertaken entirely at the behest of the current President, we feel it only right that the government offer assistance in this matter.”  He then added, with the faintest hint of a wink, “Measles are, of course, our chief concern but we would be open to any and all other offers of immunity the government might wish to extend.  He’s probably going to need them.”

When reminded of Flynn’s  2016 remarks, in which he drew an association with immunity requests and clear guilt, Kelner consulted his associates and then replied “General Flynn will also be requesting a tetanus shot after having been hoist with his own Petard. Petards are notoriously rusty after all.”

Asked about the charges that Flynn, while working on the Trump campaign, was paid more than $500,000 for work on behalf of the government of Turkey, Kelner was quick to respond.  “This is another mischaracterization.  My client is a committed and principled vegetarian.  His Turkey advocacy is a result of his feeling that our Thanksgiving practices are barbaric.  He may have been misled in some to the details. End of story.”

When asked what Flynn plans to do if his immunization request is rejected, Kelner said, “Thank God they didn’t repeal Obamacare.  This situation would be a complete disaster without that to fall back on.”


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